(905) 760-0111 OR (877) 680-0200


What Makes You Happy at Work?

What Makes You Happy at Work?

The value of being happy at work cannot be overstated. We spend too much of our time at work to not be happy while we are there. When we are not happy at work, it will inevitably spread to our personal lives, which in turn affects those around us. So, what does...
Musings from the back office…

Musings from the back office…

Coming down the road very soon … The Covid crisis has affected a lot of things and I don’t know about you, but I’m getting a little tired of hearing and reading the endless reports about what’s going on whereas a result. So here’s a little good news … this very same...
We’re Committed to Personal & Professional Growth

We’re Committed to Personal & Professional Growth

At CLSR we support and encourage personal and professional growth – for ourselves and for everyone that we serve. We believe that the opportunity to learn, in all the many forms that can take, is essential for personal growth and satisfaction. As well, on-going...
New & Improved BESI

New & Improved BESI

The Barriers to Employment Success Inventory (BESI) is one of our best-selling assessments, and for good reason. It gives your clients a quick and easy way to identify the hurdles and obstacles that stand in the way of job success.  While it only takes about 20...
Questions, Questions, So Many Questions

Questions, Questions, So Many Questions

When facilitating a job interview workshop, or even a one-on-one coaching session, it is important to demonstrate different scenarios and perspectives; using video resources allows you to show your clients different approaches without having to rely on your acting...