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COPSystem Updates

COPSystem Updates

Norms have been updated! In an effort to increase the overall interpretive usefulness of the information provided by the COPSystem VIA inventory, EdITS has gathered new norms for each assessment based on current data. These changes have been implemented in the online...
Personality Dimensions® Statistics

Personality Dimensions® Statistics

It’s that time of year again… when the PD Stats Robot (patent still pending) pops out of its work cube and sees its shadow, it’s time to see this past year’s Personality Dimensions® statistics. Many of you undoubtably will recognize the PD Stats...
Long Overdue Congratulations

Long Overdue Congratulations

If you’ve been in touch with the office lately, you will know that chances are you’ll connect with one of two people, Brad Whitehorn or Tref Alun. Both Brad and Tref are integral members of the CLSR team and have taken on many more and varied responsibilities over the...
Mid-Winter Musings

Mid-Winter Musings

At the end of each year, I always take a look back to try to figure out how the time managed to fly by so quickly, and what we did while it was zipping past. Yes, 2021 was remarkable in many, many ways, but instead of reflecting on what was, I prefer to focus on...
Remembering Dick Knowdell

Remembering Dick Knowdell

I had the privilege of knowing Dick for the past 25 or more years. He was a quiet giant in the field of career development, well known for his work in developing what became known as the Knowdell Card Sorts. Dick touched the lives of countless people around the world...