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How many of us have been in the middle of an important Zoom meeting when suddenly, a furry face pops into view, or you hear playful barking in the background. A few years ago, this might have been a major embarrassment, but now? It’s just another day at the office; whether that office is at home or in a building with other humans (and canines).

As someone who works in a hybrid environment, I’ve got the best of both worlds. I get to enjoy my dogs’ company at home and at the office. I wouldn’t have it any other way! When we all had to become experts in video conferencing a few years back, our pets decided they wanted in on the action too. Before we knew it, dogs (and cats, and the occasional parrot) were making guest appearances in everything from team check-ins to board meetings.

These furry and sometimes feathery cameos quickly became the highlight of many calls. If you’ve ever been on a Zoom call with me, you have probably heard one of my dogs snoring, or the other one barking when she feels like she has something to contribute. Either way, it beats awkward small talk about the weather!

At CLSR, we’ve fully embraced the dog-friendly office trend. If fact, we’ve been doing it for years! When company Founder and Director, Denise Hughes was working long hours getting the company started, many times into the evenings, she had her dog Jessie by her side; and several of our long-time clients still talk about her yellow lab, Feebee who was with us for many years. Of course, we couldn’t have our four-legged companions join us without giving them proper job titles. First up, we have Shelby, whom I also share a couch with at home, is our Head of Security and Chief Snack Consultant. She puts in a solid 45 mins of work per day, amongst her hectic nap schedule. I still don’t know how she managed to negotiate that into her employment terms! Then there’s Trixie, my other four-legged friend, our Junior Human Resources Lead. She can read people like no human can, and is tough when it comes to resolving office conflicts, but is easily bribed with treats. Last but not least, there’s Loki, who comes in with Chris. As our Head of Barketing, Loki’s always ready with an enthusiastic greeting for clients and announces the arrival of each courier.

Why are dogs such great coworkers. If you’re a dog person, you already know, but keep reading anyway. For starters, they’re the best stress-busters. Spending just a few minutes petting a dog will melt away hours of built-up stress. It’s scientifically impossible to be in a bad mood when a happy dog is around. Okay, maybe not scientifically, but close enough!

They’re also masters of work-life balance. Dogs don’t know about overtime. When it’s time for a walk, it’s time for a walk. When it’s time to eat, it’s time to eat. They’ll make sure you take those much-needed breaks. Plus, they’re excellent exercise enforcers. Who needs a fancy standing desk when you have a dog reminding you to get up and move every few hours?

Dogs are networking pros too. Nothing breaks the ice quite like a dog. That colleague you’ve never spoken to? Suddenly you realize you have a lot in common, and you spend hours sending pictures and videos of your dogs to each other. Okay, maybe that’s not that greatest for productivity, but it does put you in a good mood that will make you more productive. It balances out, trust me!

Our four-legged colleagues have some serious wisdom to share as well. Dogs don’t worry about quarterly reports or five-year plans. Although, Trixie does take her TPS reports VERY seriously. They’re all about living in the moment, not what’s going to happen next week. They also don’t judge. Dogs don’t care if you’re the CEO or the intern. In their eyes, everyone is equally awesome and deserving of attention, especially if you bring the treats. Dogs find joy in the little things, too. Just look at how excited a dog gets over their favourite toy? Imagine bringing that level of enthusiasm to your next project kickoff!

Forgiveness is another valuable lesson our furry friends teach us. Bump into a dog when you’re moving your chair back, and they’ll still love you five minutes later. They’re also masters of non-verbal communication. Dogs are pros at reading body language. They often know what we’re feeling before we do.

Of course, having dogs in the office isn’t always smooth sailing. There are challenges to overcome, like allergies, phobias, and the occasional “accident” (we’re looking at you, Loki). But with a bit of planning and consideration, these hurdles are totally jumpable.

With so many benefits, and so few downsides, I really hope having our furry friends by our side – whether at home or in the office, is a trend I hope is here to stay. They bring joy, relieve stress, and remind us not to take ourselves too seriously. The next time you hear a bark in the background of a call or see a wagging tail in the office, remember: that’s not just a dog, it’s a mood-booster, a stress-reliever, and a valued member of the team. Who knows? Your next big idea might just come during a game of fetch!

And yes, every dog has its own unique personality – but that’s a tail for another time!

Brad Whitehorn – BA, CCDP is the Associate Director at CLSR Inc.  He was thrown into the career development field headfirst after completing a Communications degree in 2005, and hasn’t looked back!  Since then, Brad has worked on the development, implementation and certification for various career and personality assessments (including Personality Dimensions®), making sure that Career Development Practitioners get the right tools to best serve their clients.